My learners are busy with the final phase of the PAT where they have to create a report, with sections showing the use of Excel for analysin...
Teacher training
I recently met two CAT teachers. One has a B.Sc in Computer Science and the other has a degree in Information Systems. Have they attended ...
Gr 11 PAT - Phase 5 and 6
I wish to highlight the problems I have encountered in the last phase, the report. The rest of the report so far has been fine. FRONT Intro...
Gr 11 PAT - Phase 4
This Grade 11 PAT Phase 4 – wow! The average for the database is 87%. A few learners did not have 30 records, and many left the title off t...
Gr 11 PAT - Phase 4
This phase has enabled the most wonderful revision of practical skills in a meaningful way! The instructions and checklists have touched on...
Information Systems at UCT
UCT Information Systems Department in the Faculty of Commerce hosted an interesting afternoon today. They discussed the huge IT skills shor...
Gr 10 PAT - Phase 1
I met a CAT teacher who was so dankbaar vir al die opmerkings vanaf die blog post ‘Gr 10 PAT - Phase 1’ (11 October). Sy sé sy het amper di...
Training of CAT teachers
I have had the pleasure of training the 2nd year teachers doing an ACE course in CAT at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) f...
Gr 10 PAT - Phase 1
The learners had wonderful ideas for their celebrations and they enjoyed the planning stage. However many had difficulty doing the planning...
Getting the balance in examinations is a bit tricky. Each AS does NOT carry the same weight. Not all ASs are tested in a written or practi...
Gr 12 planning documents
On the Grade 12 CD you can find the yearly Assessment program and Work schedules (Eng) and Work schedules (Afri) , and other useful materi...