Here is the test I did this week where I focused on Networking. I tried to set it within a scenario and where ICT skills are applied. Use...
Gr 10 Theory
Some of the Gr 10 learners had time for extension in the hardware section. These are a few of the videos they created on Storage devices. ...
Tests and exam papers
We must be sure to set tests and exam paper in a scenario where the learners apply their knowledge. For many teachers this is quite a jum...
Excel - Vlookup
This Vlookup function may be of use. Download it and save to your network. To open it, right click on the file and open it with Internet E...
Have a look at all postings from last year on the PAT. In the place where it says Search type in the words PAT. Click SEARCH BLOG and see ...
Gr 12 PAT
Please read this message aloud! How do we do a PAT? First we read the instructions aloud to ourselves, once, twice, three and even four ti...
Understanding and connecting
We adults are so distanced from young people. I was teaching adult Computer Literacy teachers this week about creating movies with Windows ...
They know so much!
The Grade 11s do a section on networking. I know that this weekend many of my Grade 11 males are to be found at a LAN party in Milnerton. ...
Second and third time
I am doing Gr 10 with these textbooks for the 3rd time and Gr 11 for the 2nd time. I am seeing things in activities I had not noticed befor...
Test creation
At this time of the year we are starting to create tests. I suggest that we look very closely at the work done in class and set the tests a...
Gr 10
I am so glad we are doing easy work at the beginning of Grade 10. It gives me a chance to teach the learners how I want their work managed. ...
Gr 11 Activity 10 on page 32
The learners are asked to compare two online retail stores. This means that they must put the information into a table with three columns. ...
Gr 11 Activity 15 on page 36
My learners are really enjoying the quizzes on page 36!
Gr 12 PAT
The formatting of the PAT document caused me problems when photocopying it for my learners. The shading in the formatting of the tables hel...
Gr 12 Activities 1 and 2 on pages 12 and 15 - Solution and data update
Module 1.2, Activity 1 - new possible solution Module 1.2, Activity 2 – data update. Click the link to access the possible solution and d...
Gr 12 Activity 6 on page 171 - Access Tables Test
To use this PowerPoint, when it opens you must enable the macro. If you are not asked about ‘enabling’ you must do something first. In this ...
Gr 12 Theory on Networks
RSS feeds and blogging are in the 2008 LPG for CAT under the section on the Network environment (p 36) for Gr 12. You may have noticed my R...
Gr 10 Theory
Have a look at these Gr 10 quizzes on Name the Device and Hardware created by a teacher at CBC Parklands. The self marking quizzes are ma...