Clear posters/instructions are an essential part of any managed environment. This activity will help create those posters for cleaning dutie...
Awards for Teacher activity no 1 - Identifying Learners
The awards for Activity Identifying Learners go to the teachers Barbara Anyster of Worcester Secondary School and Johan Barkhuizen of Goodwo...
Bad PowerPoint
I attended what should have been a riveting lecture this evening. The speaker gave a Powerpoint presentation. He looked at the screen and no...
Teacher activity no 1 - Identifying learners
Knowing learners’ names is an essential tool for an effective teacher. There are many ways to learn names - this activity will help you put ...
NSC exam timetable 2011
Here is a copy of the exam timetable for NSC for 2011 ...
Unemployment and CAT
After the matric results were released this year there was much talk of how the young people will not be able to get jobs, and that matric d...
Facebook page
A page has been created on Facebook for Study Opportunities. Go to the page and then click 'Like'. It is so nice to see the Profil...