These grand courses are offered by UCT School Development Unit in December - Internet Basics, Google Earth for Educators and Interactive Whi...
2011 Final matric exam Question 7 Access
In a previous posting I indicated that one should go over old examination papers before the big exams. I will now add go over old examina...
Laptops and mobility
Laptops are mobile and allow one to work where ever. Family men have to work but also want waves so this man has the laptop with him while w...
Examination papers
I have noticed on a number of social networking services that people are busy setting their November exam papers. The CAT teachers could us...
Comments on 2011 CAT Matric paper
One of the benefits of this blog is that you can comment Anonymously or by using your name. How did the examinations go? How did the Sept...
Latest information for CAT learners Have a smiling day
Guide to using Email
We teach such a useful subject! This week the local librarian was telling everybody about her fear of an assessment which she will be doing ...
Computer Applications Olympiad
I had the pleasure of attending the awards evening of the Computer Applications Olympiad at Kelvin Grove Newlands tonight. The finalists wer...
Computer Applications Olympiad
Today are the finals of the Computer Applications Olympiad! Good luck to all contestants!
AUP for Social media
Our learners will probably be going into a world where social media is available from their office computer. Their office/employer may not ...