Breaking News
Monday, 22 June 2009

Info Post
I was approached for a 'rubric' on Budget Tours. I did not have a rubric but something very different! Well, my aim is to teach so this is how I did Budget Tours.
The learners were given the instructions with marks next to certain sections. The learners were not told how I was going to mark - maybe some read the instruction sheet - well, I only gave marks for certain sections - not every point. And I did not mark the work myself - I have no time. All learners had to put their work on the Internet on a drive that all can see but only the 'owner' can change. I showed the PPT and explained that the sections in certain colours were the areas where the marking would be done. I put the PPT on the network so all could view it. I organised the class so that learners marked particular papers (the learners did not know they were marking each others answers papers). They marked, based on the PPT on the question paper. And then returned the question papers to their owners. So much learning took place! Learners argued about the marks - and came to calm conclusions. I am not a subject advisor and maybe what I did was 'wrong' but it worked for me and the learners learned. I took the marks in to use for the CASS.


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