I have had a problem brought to my attention about the PAT: Schools which do not have Internet access.
First a school should not be offering Computer Applications Technology if they do not have Internet access but that is a different topic to the PAT and this posting is about the PAT.
Solution – A teacher at his/her own expense goes to a computer (at an Internet café or wherever) which has Internet access and downloads suitable web pages. (The costs to the teacher – that is not the topic here – the PAT is.) Save them on a flash drive. Take the files to school and make them available to learners on the network or individual workstations. It is not the 'correct' way to do a PAT but is a solution. This is not an official opinion but my opinion.
Another problem with the PAT
We are meant to use many different sources for the PAT, not only focus on the Internet. For the Gr 12 PAT consider using Life Science textbooks as well as those of Consumer Studies, plus the learners should be encouraged to use the library, and that is from an ex-school librarian. For Gr 11 there have been so many articles on social networking sites in the local magazines and newspapers all listing their (bad) points. One just needs to collect them.
This year the PAT hardly needs the Internet to do the work, although the Internet is ONE of the suggested resources! For those schools without Internet access remember the Internet is just ONE of many possible sources.
Remember that CAT means greater job and enhanced job opportunities. We have such a huge responsibility to help learners fulfill their potential.
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