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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Info Post

Maybe you wondered why I have been so quiet recently. I have been busy walking from St Jean Pied de Port in Southern France to Santiago de Compostela near the Atlantic coast in Spain, 800 kms. I walked the Camino. I did the first 220 kms then my foot gave trouble, then I bussed a few hundred kms, then walked the last 100 km with two sticks and one leg.
Along the way I stayed in hostels, in tiny towns, which had Internet access machines. I was able to watch and reply to all emails but paid! When I reached the large city of Santiago I treated myself to a hotel. The hotels (not hostels) did not seem to have Internet access machines, only wi-fi. I came to the conclusion that in places where 'poor' people stay, i.e. hostels, they provide Internet access machines, but where rich people stay, i.e. hotels, they have their own iphones, ipads, laptops, etc. so access is not required. I had to walk right across town to find an internet café.
The pictures of my trip are on Facebook - start from June 27. Hope you have joined the Study Opportunities Facebook page, link at side.


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